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Medical machinery shell bending and polishing process
Medical mechanical shell in the processing process, the first to its blanking processing, when the good blanking after the need for its next step. It needs to be bent in this process. The bending precision can reflect the process precision of sheet metal processing and the use effect of the product after forming. Therefore, it is necessary to have a certain understanding and design of the data before processing the medical mechanical shell, so as to achieve more accurate sheet metal processing effect.

At the same time, in the process of pressing riveting, spot welding and tapping of medical mechanical shell, the corresponding nuts, studs and molds should also be controlled well, so that good working effect can be achieved in the process of processing. In addition in the process of bending also need to select the corresponding tool, in the process of work also to ensure that the upper and lower mold movement, not only to ensure the overall effect of sheet metal processing, but also to ensure the production effect of the mold.

The development of medical machinery shell is more and more refined, and there are more and more requirements for the parts. After the shell is formed, it needs to be polished smooth to avoid the equipment being scratched. The disadvantages of the thin plate parts of the case shell are easy to be deformed and easy to shape.

There are some differences between plate cutting, bending, welding and machining. Metal machining should be carried out according to engineering drawings. When the whole piece or component is assembled and installed afterwards, there is little chance of secondary machining regardless of clearance fit or interference fit. Through the shear plate, bending, welding thin plate parts due to the stress, different degrees of deformation, error.

There are more and more medical mechanical shell products. The shell is directly related to the appearance, firmness and process display, and the safety performance is particularly important. We should pay special attention to the safety performance in the overall planning and design of the medical mechanical shell to ensure good effect.
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